Gay.Ru is the most quoted gay-site in Russia is rated number 1 as the most quoted site by Russian gay blogs. According to search engine Yandex, is rated number 25 in all Russian blogs. In the last 6 months it has moved up the ratings and it is now behind Radio ‘Exo Moskvi’. is more popular than well known sites such as ‘Sport-express’ and ‘’. The next closest gay page is rated number 282. is also rated number 1 by Russian gay pages with an extremely high quote rate.

This year we celebrated our 10th anniversary. In 1997 we were named the most informative gay page in Russia by ‘Planet Internet’ magazine. In 1998 we featured among the best internet projects by the same magazine. In 2000 was included in the list of best projects with sexual content and the same year we received the award for Best Website We have also been named in ratings done by KommersantMoney (2000), Afisha (2000,2001,2004), Om (2004) and others. has been a member of IGLA-Europe since 2001, IGLIO (youth gay and lesbian organization) since 2003 and a member of International Forum HKO working on preventing AIDS in Russia since 2003.

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